Free Sprite Pack Library - Twitch Aquarium 1.5.22 is here!

We’re pleased to announce that we have launched a library of free sprite packs ready to import into Twitch Aquarium. We’ve invited some great artists to create packs for us and they’ll be up and coming in the coming weeks. We’ve added three great packs that you can get today!

Release Notes [1.5.22] New

  • We’ve launched a brand new library on the Cleverbones site, for free sprite packs to expand your Twitch Aquarium experience!
  • Option to stop individual custom sprites flipping. This is useful for text, flags and logos
  • Added a link in the ‘Custom Sprites’ dialog for getting new sprite packs from our site
  • Twitch Aquarium now displays news and events that are relevant to the app on launch
  • Added option to disable news panel on launch Updates
  • Fixed a bug that caused people using !add command when auto add was enabled to crash the app
  • ‘Custom Fish’ as now been renamed to ‘Custom Sprites’


Twitch Aquarium 1.5.22 2.5 MB
3 days ago

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